17958번: Cycle String? In the first example, substrings of the restored string are: “abbab”, “bbabc”, “babcb”, “abcbc”, “bcbcc”, “cbccb”, “bccba”, “ccbab”, “cbabb”, “babba”. Note that the first example does not contain repetitions, however 일단 \(NO\)가 되는 조건을 알아보자. 1. 등장하는 문자가 1개인 경우 ex)\(aa...a\) 2. 등장하는 문자가 2개고, 한 문자가 \(2N-2\)개 이상인 경우 ex) \(aa.. 18913번: Graph Coloring You are given a tournament, represented as a complete directed graph (for all pairs $i,j$ of two different vertices, there is exactly one edge among $i \to j$ and $j \to i$), with $n \leq 3000$ vertices. You need to color its edges into $14$ colors. There 내가 푼 문제중에 재밌던 문제의 풀이를 블로그에 올린다. 그래프의 간선들에 \(a\)~\(n\)의 색을 매길건데, 어떤 경로 \(x..
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